Editor's Letter

The start of December brings a certain warmth along with the cold weather. I have been busy decorating for the holidays and looking forward to spending time with my family! I also love to take this time to think about what goals I want to set going into the new year. Our combined December/January issue takes us into 2024, and our New Year, New You section will help you kickstart all of your goals. Our amazing advertisers have some great specials and promotions going on to help get your new year started off right! We are so excited to bring you a new feature, as well, this year, the Non-Profit Spotlight. We are proud to be able to highlight some of the amazing work that these non-profits do in our community, and we hope that this feature inspires our readers to support these amazing organizations!

Our VIP at Home is a beautifully decorated home for the holidays designed by the talented team at Embellish Home! Our December VIP profile features one of Bowling Green’s power couples, Desmond and Rozalind Bell. The two of them have brought so much to our community and they continue to work to better it, and I loved reading about how much they inspire and encourage each other to continue growing.

This month is covered in events, with everything from the Med Center Charity Ball, WKU Homecoming events and so many holiday themed events! If you want to make sure we cover your upcoming event, please request event coverage on our website at www.vipbowlinggreen.com or email [email protected].

Thank you for being a loyal reader and allowing us to be a part of your 2023. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your team at VIP Magazine!

See you all next year,
~ Allison

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