Greg Seaton

Story and photography by Kayla Fugate

Greg Seaton, Business Development Officer for Service One Credit Union, has been working in the same field, banking and finance, for over thirty years, and his favorite part of that career is working with people to help their dreams come true. He says that his primary mission in serving Bowling Green is working with people who are sometimes overlooked by the banking community.

Service One is member owned, and the Board of Directors consists of volunteers. “Because of this we can typically offer our customers better rates, and less fees for the products we offer,” he says.

Greg has been a member of the Kiwanis Club for most of his adult life. The Kiwanis Club sponsors the Soap Box Derby and Annual Fireworks events in Bowling Green. He says that over the years, he has seen grandfathers working with their granddaughters to build soapbox derby cars, and he loves seeing the interaction between the generations. “These fundraisers also allow the Kiwanis Club to give tens of thousands of dollars to needed youth organizations that provide services to youth all over Bowling Green and Warren County,” says Greg.

Greg says his number one financial advice is to not depend on the government or your employer for your retirement. “Develop your own 401k/retirement fund,” he says.

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