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State Farm® provides $15,000 grant to Junior Achievement of South Central Kentucky

Funds to assist with financial literacy programs in 30 local classrooms

On June 27, State Farm awarded a grant in the amount of $15,000 to Junior Achievement (JA) of South Central Kentucky. The funds will support the placement of JA’s financial literacy programs in up to 30 elementary, middle and high school classes across their 13-county region.

“At State Farm, we make it our business to be like a good neighbor, helping to build safer, stronger, and better educated communities," said local State Farm agent and longstanding JA board member Ginger Cleary. “Educated neighborhoods are the foundation of a strong society, and organizations like Junior Achievement definitely stride to make our local communities a better place to work and live."

 These JA grade-specific programs will offer practical, eye-opening information on the importance of acquiring strong personal financial skills to help students lead strong financial lives and make them more valuable to potential employers. Every JA program includes five to seven fully developed lessons taught by trained business professionals across local communities who volunteer their time each week. Young people who can manage their financial lives will come to understand the differences between needs and wants, the importance of savings and having a "rainy day" fund, and the benefits that a budget can bring to everyday life.

JA programs are critical to local students, especially those who are socioeconomically at-risk (typically living in families earning what is considered low income - less than two-time the federal poverty rate). With financial support from State Farm, JA will reach 750 at-risk young people living in their operating area where up to 80% of students are considered low-to-moderate-income.

“State Farm continues to be a strong supporter of Junior Achievement,” said Allie Sharp, President of Junior Achievement of South Central Kentucky.  “State Farm recognizes the value of financial literacy and work readiness, and we are happy to work with them each year.”

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